As is the case with individuals as well as corporations, tax credits are still better for you than tax deductions. The allowable amounts on tax credits always remain the same regardless of the income level and tax bracket of your corporation. With deductions, however, the amount of money you are actually saving by claiming a deduction depends highly on the income level and tax bracket of your company. One company with the same amount of type of deduction as your corporation may end up with a larger, or smaller for that matter, deduction than your corporation gets because of the tax bracket the individual businesses happen to fall into. In addition, a tax credit will reduce your taxes more than a same sized tax deduction. For these reasons, tax credits are almost always more beneficial to you. You get what you expect to get.
Some credits that many be available to your corporation are as follows:
Credit | IRS Form | Description |
Alcohol Fuels | 6478 - Alcohol Fuel Credit | Applies to alcohol sold or used as a fuel |
Contributions to selected community development corporations | 8847 - Credit for Contributions to Certain Community Development Corporations | Applies to part of each qualified cash contribution to a community housing development corporation selected by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development |
Disabled Access | 8826 - Disabled Access Credit | A nonrefundable tax credit for an eligible small business that pays or incurs expenses to provide access to people with disabilities |
Enhanced oil recovery | 8830 - Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit | Applies to qualified enhanced oil recovery costs for the tax year |
Orphan drug | 8820 - Orphan Drug Credit | Applies to qualified expenses incurred in testing certain drugs for rare diseases and conditions |
Research | 6765 - Credit for Increasing Research Activities | Encourages businesses to increase spending on research and experimental activities. The credit is usually 20 percent of the amount by which research expenses for the year exceed the base amount. |
Welfare to work | 8850 - Pre-Screening Credit Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work Credits | Employers can take this credit for wages paid to qualified long term family assistance recipients who began work after Dec 31, 1997 and before July 1, 1999. |
Taxes paid on certain employee tips | 8846 - Credit for Employer Social Security Taxes Paid on Certain Employee Cash Tips | Equals the employer-s portion of Social Security and Medicare taxes paid on tips received on employees |
Empowerment zone employment | 8844 - Empowerment Zone Employee Credit | Available to businesses that hire from and do business in areas designated as empowerment zones. |
Investment | 3468 - Investment Credit | Applies to part of the expenses incurred each year for property used to grow tress for sale or use in timber products, expenses incurred to rehabilitate certain buildings and certain expenses for solar or geothermal energy property placed in use. |
Work opportunity | 5884 - Work Opportunity Credit | Credit for wages paid to certain workers from a particular group with a high unemployment rate or with special employment needs hired before July 1, 1999. |
Low-income housing | 8586 - Low-Income Housing Credit | Applies to low-income housing buildings put into use after 1986. |
Renewable electricity production | 8835 - Renewable Electricity Production Credit | Applies to electricity produced by qualified energy resources |