You may not have to file Schedule D to report capital gain distributions any more if all three of the following criteria apply to you:
Child Tax Credit
For 1999, you may be able to claim this tax credit for as much as $500 for each of your qualifying children under the age of 17.
Interest on Student Loans
You may be able to deduct up to an increased limit of $1,500 for interest paid on a qualified student loan. The deduction is claimed on line 24 of Form 1040 or line 16 of Form 1040A. In 2000, the limit will increase to $2,000.
IRA Deductions
You may be able to take an IRS deduction if you were covered by a retirement plan and your modified adjusted gross income is less than the amounts that follow:
Tax From Recapture of Education Credits
If you claimed an education credit on last year's tax return and received a refund of tuition and related expenses or received tax-free educational assistance this year, you may owe this tax.
Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction
The part of your self-employed health insurance premiums has been increased for 1999 to 60%.
Earned Income Credit
The maximum income you can earn and still be able to qualify for an earned income credit has increased in 1999. Following are the newly increased income maximums:
Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
The amount of foreign income that you can exclude has been increased to $74,000 in 1999.
Business Standard Mileage Rate
The rate for business use of a vehicle has decreased in 1999. Prior to April 1, 1999, the business standard mileage rate is 32½ cents per mile. The rate after March 31st, 1999 is 31 cents per mile.
Stop Smoking Program
Costs incurred for prescriptions and programs related to a stop smoking mission can now be included in deductible medical expenses.
Exemption Amounts
You are now entitled to a $2,750 deduction for each qualified exemption you may have. If you have a high income, this exemption amount could be phased out.
Limits on Itemized Deductions
Some itemized deductions may now be limited if your income is higher than $126,600 if filing jointly or $63,300 if filing separately.
Social Security and Medicare Taxes
The maximum wages subject to social security taxes in 1999 has been increased to $72,600. All wages are subject to Medicare taxes.